关灯 巨大 直达底部
第206章 宴会

“Yan,I heard that you have a girlfriend. Is it true or not?(我听说你有女朋友了,是真的还是假的?)”品牌方老板八卦道。

沈砚周淡淡一笑:“You know, The ments on the Internet are not credible.(你知道的,网上的言论不可信。)”

老板笑道:“To tell you the truth, I'm really curious about what kind of girlfriend you will find. It must be a very good lady.(说实话,我真的很好奇你会找什么样的女朋友,想必肯定是很优秀的女士。)”

沈砚周也笑:“There is a saying that thousands of miles are destined to meet. As long as you meet someone you like, you won't care whether she is excellent or not.(有句话叫千里有缘来相会,只要遇到喜欢的人,也不会管她是否优不优秀。)”

“This sentence sounds really romantic, so I hope you can find someone soon.(这句话听起来真浪漫,那希望你能早日找到有缘人。�



